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 1999 Darwin Awards Nominee
Confirmed True by Darwin Paragliding vs. Parasailing
(16 July 1999, Utah) A paraglider from Riverton turned into a parasailor, and dropped into the Murdoch Canal near Lehi in Utah County on Monday evening. Craig's parachute filled with water, and he was unable to escape as he was dragged towards a siphon on the east side of the canal, sucked under the I-15 freeway, and eventually pinned against a grate 400 feet
downstream. An employee found his body for the Provo Water Users Association.
Who knew that one of the dangers of paragliding is drowning?
  Dead Spitter
(15 July 1999, Alabama) A 25-year-old soldier died of injuries sustained from a 3-story fall, precipitated by his attempt to
spit farther than his buddy. His plan was to hurl himself towards a metal guardrail while expectorating, in order to add momentum to his saliva. In a tragic miscalculation, his momentum carried  him right over the railing, which he caught hold of for a few moments before his grip slipped, sending him plummeting 24 feet to the cement below. The military specialist had a blood alcohol content of 0.14%, impairing his judgment and paving the way for his opportunity to win a Darwin Award.
Poisonous Pets
(June 1999, Delaware) Fifteen snakes were found in the vicinity of a decomposed body in Stanton on Tuesday. A neighbor complained about the smell, which led the discovery of eight rattlesnakes, two cobras, and the 3-day-old corpse.
The 45-year-old owner of the reptiles was found 10 feet from the open cage of a young Diamondback rattler. Apparently
the man was feeding the snake when he was terminally bitten. Residents of the apartments were evacuated by the
Delaware Animal Rescue team while a search was conducted for missing serpents.
Neighbors said they had no idea that the weird loner kept poisonous snakes. One neighbor named Leroy claimed, "The
snake was standing straight up as it turned toward me. It was a cobra." 
The SPCA notes that it's legal to keep deadly snakes, provided you apply for a permit.
A Smarter Snake
1999 Darwin Awards Nominee Unconfirmed by Darwin
(1991, Nicosia, Cypress) An Iranian hunter was shot to death near Tehran by a snake that coiled around his shotgun as
he pinned the reptile to the ground. Another hunter reported that that the victim, named Ali, tried to catch the snake alive by pressing the butt of his shotgun behind its head. The snake coiled around the butt and pulled the trigger, shooting Ali in the head.  
The Bumbershoot
1999 Darwin Awards Nominee Unconfirmed by Darwin
(18 April 1999, Germany) A sword swallower died in Bonn after he put an umbrella down his throat - and accidentally pushed the button that opened it. 
(15 July 1999, San Francisco )A drunken 20-year old woman was standing next to the railroad tracks intending to flash her breasts at the engineer. As the train swept past, the draft swept her off her feet and under the train, breaking her elbows. She
was charged with a misdemeanor, and died several days later in the hospital. 
(Submitted by Greg Nieto and Frostansuz.
Fatal Footsie
1999 Darwin Awards Nominee Confirmed True by Darwin
(22 March 1999, Phnom Penh) Decades of armed strife has littered Cambodia with unexploded munitions and ordnance.
Authorities warn citizens not to tamper with the devices.  
Three friends recently spent an evening sharing drinks and exchanging insults at a local cafe in the southeastern province of
Svay Rieng. Their companionable arguing continued for hours, until one man pulled out a 25-year-old unexploded anti-tank
mine found in his backyard.  
He tossed it under the table, and the three men began playing Russian roulette, each tossing down a drink and then stamping on the mine. The other villagers fled in terror.  
Minutes later, the explosive detonated with a tremendous boom, killing the three men in the bar. "Their wives could not
even find their flesh because the blast destroyed everything," the Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper reported.
 Dum Dum Boutique
1999 Darwin Awards Nominee Confirmed True by Darwin
(10 April 1999, New York) Perhaps, as people get older, some folks really should retire from their careers, or so it
would seem for one 55-year old burglar. You see, Terrence found new meaning in the term "Hanging around late at the bar"
when he never returned home one night. It turned out that he was actually trying to break through the roof's window of a
shop,   called the Dum Dum Boutique -- a catchy name for a clothing shop -- by bending back bars on the window. From this
vantage point, he made a commanding move, and jumped into the store through this hole. Unfortunately, his sweater apparently didn't like all that fashion, and, refusing to join him, caught on one of the  bent bars, which subsequently strangled
him to death. He was found dead at the scene on Saturday morning.  
 Good Trumps Evil at Church
(08 March 1999, Kenya) A middle-aged thief sat quietly through the Sunday service at All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi. But when the offering basket was passed, fellow worshippers were astonished to see him stashing handfuls of the money in his
Realizing he had been spotted, the thief fled from the church and onto a busy highway, where a speeding bus killed him.

People Do The Strangest Things

  Putting Our Loved Ones At Risk For A Photo.
  In May of 1994, Tony Moore, 43, of Marietta, Georgia,   was gored and seriously injured by a large male bison   in Yellowstone, next to the Lake Hotel. Moore and a   friend had approached to within 15 feet of the bison   to have their pictures taken. While they were standing   with their backs to the animal, it charged. Moore's   companion escaped, but Moore received a severe puncture   wound in his right thigh and was taken by ambulance to   a hospital in Jackson for treatment. ....

  Watching For Falling Rocks.
  A visitor setting up camp at Lake Eleanor in Yosemite   National Park hit herself on the head with a rock while   trying to string up her food to protect it from bears.

  Requesting Assistance.
  In 1994, a woman visiting from the Bay Area embarked   on a solo hike to the summit of El Captian in Yosemite.
  When she became lost and saw a storm brewing, she called   911 from her cellular phone and asked to be rescued. A
  helicopter found her barely off the trail and one-fourth to   half a mile from the top of El Cap. When the 'copter lifted
  off and the woman saw how close she was to her summit   goal, she asked the crew to set her down on top. When the
  crew declined, she threatened to sue them for kidnapping. ...

  Caring For The Creatures
  A woman, appearing rather distraught, came into the visitor   center at Redwood National Park in California to report
  that she had seen several Irish setters lying along the   edge of the highway and she feared they were dead or
  injured. Rangers explained to her that these were pieces   of redwood bark that had fallen off logging trucks.

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